Join Me On My NYC Eating Tour
After countless requests for assembling a food tour to New York City, I’ve finally decided to do something about it. This November 14 – 17, I’ll be leading a four-day trip there, with the help from the same team at AAA Travel that put together my tour of Thailand some 12 years ago. This will not be a trip for the picky eater. As you can see from the flyer above (click on it for easier reading) I have put together a fairly aggressive four days. In a nutshell: Eataly, Murray’s Cheese Shop, Doughnut Plant, Ess-a-Bagel, Russ & Daughters, Motorino, Mille-Feuille, Clover Club, The High Line, Chelsea Market, Union Square Greenmarket, Sripraphai, Nobu 57, Talde, MP Taverna, Joe’s Shanghai, X’ian Famous Foods, Corner 28. Only 22 spots are available. To make a reservation, contact Deborah Childs at AAA Group Travel: 630-328-7248, dachilds@aaachicago.com.