Win This Cookbook!
Win this book, become a better cook.
We’re giving away some more cookbooks, as we kick off 2014 with a commitment to learning how to cook. I’m in the midst of Michael Pollan’s Cooking right now, which I highly recommend, even if you haven’t read Omnivore’s Dilemma. It has me yearning to spend more time in the kitchen this year, even with a travel schedule this January that will make your head spin. James Peterson isn’t exactly a household name, and he never became a “celebrity chef” (hate that friggin’ term) but the man can cook, and he was one of the few cookbook authors I interviewed over the years who actually shot all of his own photos as well. Just tell me in a few sentences (or poem/haiku) why you deserve this book. I’ll pick a winner this weekend and notify them on Monday. Good luck, and happy cooking.