The First Thing You Need To Do In Japan
After the long flight to Tokyo’s Narita airport, the first thing you think you’re going to need to do is locate transportation into the city. Shuttle buses can take you straight to your hotel, but you’ll most likely have to ride with guests of other hotels, which means a longer ride and more stops, depending on where your hotel falls in the drop-off order. Figure at least an hour to 75 minutes. If you take the train to Tokyo Station, it’s only 50 minutes, but then you’ll need to take a cab from there, so it depends on how far away your hotel is from that glorious station (with some of the best eating, by the way – more on that tomorrow). A cab ride is out of the question, unless you have $$$$ to burn. Before you do anything, you have to go rent a WiFi Walker from one of the counters in the Arrivals area. After you pass through customs, and change some money in the lobby, head to your left, along the wall and around the corner, and you’ll see two or three of these rental counters. For about $10 a day, you’ll have blazing fast WiFi in your pocket, able to post, tweet, Insta, Skype, whatever, wherever. Serious technology in the palm of your hand (or backpack).