Frietkoten Fries…At The Chicago French Market

(Videography by Todd Rosenberg)


A few weeks ago, I offered up my Top 5 French Fries in Chicago, and realized I had completely forgotten to mention one of the best in town. The problem is, like many of the culinary kiosks at the Chicago French Market in the West Loop, they tend to be forgotten (unless you work in the immediate area or take the train). The Bensidoun family (owners of the Market, and based in Paris) has been trying to remedy the problem; new Indian and kosher kiosks have gone in recently, upping the ratio of savory options against the bakeries and sweet stands. I do think the Belgian frites from the Frietkoten stand are remarkable, as I do other items there, so over the course of the next four Tuesdays, we’ll be highlighting some of my favorites from the Market. Next time you find yourself near the corner of Randolph and Clinton, there’ll be no excuses for going hungry. Also, big shout-out and thanks to fellow UW grad and food enthusiast Todd Rosenberg (@toddrphoto) for his help with the videography and stills for the August “Something You Should Eat” series. Nice work!