Pitmaster Dinner Series at Barn & Co.

Gary Wiviott just can’t stop smoking. Next Wednesday night, the Pitmaster at Barn & Co. is partnering with Brooklyn Brewery (whom you’re going to be hearing a lot more from in the next few weeks) to put on a $50 smokin’ blowout of a dinner to kick off the football season. Plan on a three-course, eight-item menu, including 50 Yard Pass Porchetta (hickory smoked pork belly wrapped around pork tenderloin served with salsa verde), Touchdown Chili (green chili stew with smoked pork) and sides like mustard greens and mac & cheese with smoked pork; a seasonal pear pie from Hoosier Mama. Good luck rolling home from this one. RSVP at events@barnandcompany.com or call them at 773-832-4000. They’re located at 950 W. Wrightwood.