Shrimp Sandwich at Little Goat Bread
Stephanie Izard’s Little Goat Diner has been open for about a year, while the bakery next door, Little Goat Bread, has been the workhorse, pumping out all of the breads for her restaurants and serving Stumptown coffee first thing in the morning. They’ve also opened a second branch at The Chicago French Market, with a more compact menu. I’ve had quite a few of the sandwiches at the Diner, but nothing has captivated my attention quite like “The Shrimp” sandwich at the bakery. There are only a handful of options there, but each one seems to have more substance (and cohesion) than the sometimes-too-wacky versions next door. Egg salad has pockets of pickled onions, for instance, and adheres to the “less is more” approach. While the spicy shrimp sandwich does have quite a few components to it, they somehow work together seamlessly; the squishy potato bun holding it all together is one of my favorite new starchy support systems, making each bite a pleasure.