J.P. Graziano’s Gelato
There are only a handful of gelato producers in Chicago, and most of the time, they have brick-and-mortar stores set up from which they can sell their product. Sometimes, they start out just doing wholesale work, as Jesse Oloroso did with Black Dog Gelato after she left Stephanie Izard’s employ at Scylla. Other times, they remain far below the media radar, like the well-regarded Angelo Gelato in Bensenville, which supplies many stores and restaurants in the region you’ve probably eaten at, but is rarely publicized. Ben Roche’s gelato falls into the latter camp, since only about a half dozen flavors are made available each week, and they’re only being sold at one place: J.P. Graziano’s in the West Loop. (videography: Todd Rosenberg, @toddrphoto)